Naming variables

Your payload keys should never contain any dot or space and should never be only a number.

  // Valid keys
  "someVariable": "Some value",            // {{someVariable}}
  "some_variable": "Some value",           // {{some_variable}}
  "some-variable": "Some value",           // {{some-variable}}
  "SomeVariable": "Some value",            // {{SomeVariable}}
  "somevariable": "Some value",            // {{somevariable}}
  "some": { "variable": "Some value" },    // {{some.variable}}
  "2words": "Hello world",                 // {{2words}}
  // Invalid keys
  "some.variable": "Some value",
  "some variable": "Some value",
  "(someVariable)": "Some value",
  "'someVariable'": "Some value",
  "{{someVariable}}": "Some value",
  "2": "Some value",
  "$someVariable": "Some value"

Here is how you would call the valid keys in a template:


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