14-day Pro trial
Upon creating your PDFMonkey account, a 14-day trial period starts. Learn more about what's enabled during this period.
Available features
Loading external resources (images, fonts, CSS, JS)
Up to 2 minutes of generation time per Document
Once the 14-day trial period is over, your account will downgrade to the Free plan and you will lose these perks.
What qualifies as an "external resource"?
We consider an external resource any file that is loaded using an URL. This includes:
Images lodead using
(data-uri and inline SVG will still work)CSS files hosted on your servers or a CDN
JavaScript files hosted on your servers or a CDN
Fonts (like Goole Fonts or Bunny Fonts)
Any Font selected in the Visual Editor
What can I use on the Free plan
The following resources will continue working on the Free plan:
Images loaded using data-uri or inline SVG
CSS written in the template HTML or CSS tab
CSS sent in the Document data and inlined in the HTML using a variable
JavaScript code written in the template HTML tab
JavaScript code stored in the Document data and inline in the HTML using a variable
Several versions of Tailwind CSS that we host, see list below
Tailwind CSS versions we provide
Recent versions
These versions work just like the one available using the Tailwind CSS CDN:
Legacy versions
tailwind-light.min.css — Tailwind CSS v2.0.3 configured to remove any animation-related styles or any style that would not make sense in a PDF
Last updated